
Our Approach

old-our Impact

Together with our partner organisations and communities working at the grassroots levels, End AIDS India aims to accelerate progress towards elimination of new HIV infection and AIDS-related deaths by supporting access to comprehensive prevention and vital HIV treatment services. Although we have been able to make a substantial impact over the last decade, there’s still a long way to go.

Together with our partner organisations and communities working at the grassroots level, Alliance India aims to accelerate progress towards elimination of new HIV infection and AIDS-related deaths by supporting access to comprehensive prevention and vital HIV treatment services. Although we have been able to make a substantial impact over the last decade, there’s still a long way to go.

Together we are making a positive impact every day and ensuring that we are making lasting changes.

  • We reached nearly 1.4 million vulnerable and affected population.
  • 6,26,000 women and children affected by HIV/AIDS are getting services through our programmes including pregnant mothers.
  • Our outreach initiatives have resulted in relinking more than 5,24,688 HIV+ dropouts back into the HIV (ART) treatment services.
  • We work in 28 states and 4 Union Territories of India.

Our work is making an impact at the national level by complementing the National AIDS Control Program of Government of India, which guides HIV/AIDS awareness, care, prevention and treatment in the country. However, there is still a lot we need to do as India has the third-largest population of people living with HIV in the world. We are confident that by joining hands and working together, we will end AIDS in India.